1:1 COACHING Program

If you’re looking for a way to reconnect with your mind and body, to rinse out the dieting aftertaste that’s been left on your tongue for years, and to build a lifestyle molded around your unique self, then my 1:1 coaching program might be for you!

Hey there! I'm Kiley, and I've been exactly where you are right now…

Trapped in the all-or-nothing dieting cycle, obsessing over every bite, and living for the weekends only to start the guilt-tripping cycle all over again on Monday.

Sound familiar?

Then I want to invite you to book a FREE success session, so we can talk about what’s holding you back, what you want your life to look and feel like, and how I can get you there.

Because what I offer isn’t just another program or a set of rules; it's an invitation to find solutions. It’s an opportunity to create the health you want and understand exactly how to do so, by starting at the root cause of your eating habits.

My personalized 1:1 coaching program is your vehicle to food freedom, designed specifically to help women caught between two extremes, navigate the middle.

If you're sick and tired of:

  • Obsessive counting, measuring every gram, and tracking every minute of exercise

  • Constantly thinking about your next meal or fearing you'll never enjoy your favorite foods again

  • Feeling urgency and scarcity around food, as if it's now or never

  • Fearing weight gain and believing it defines your worth

This is your sign that food freedom is not as far out of reach as you think it is.

It’s time to say goodbye to the devil and angel on your shoulders!

It’s time to end the arguments of “can’t” and “shouldn’t” within your restrictive mindset!

And it’s time to overcome the limiting belief that “this is my last chance, so go hard or go home” sitting in your overindulgent eating behaviors!

Get on my 1:1 Wait List for my brand new 12 Week Coaching Program, now!


Kiley Houck, Founder of Kiley’s Health Haven
Your Go-To Diet Shedding Coach

Like many of you, I was consumed by diet culture. I experienced the stress of restrictive eating and frustration of overeating, every week, first hand. I fell victim to the quick fix programs that promised they would be the “last one I would ever need”.

And that's why I’m here today. I want to guide you beyond the surface, to the very heart of your eating habits and choices. At Kiley’s Health Haven, my coaching isn't about imposing rules on what to eat, when to eat, or how to eat!

It's about empowering you to make the best decisions for yourself. It’s focused on providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to understand your options; so, you can build a food relationship that nourishes and sustains you, in every way!

I've lived the struggle, trapped by the food rules and the never ending cycles of binging. And once I discovered there was so much more to life than endless dieting, everything changed. I took back my mind, my energy, my joy, and my life! And now, I'm passionate about helping others find that kind of freedom, too.

This is your invitation to begin a journey of discovery and transformation. A journey to a life where food fills you with happiness and satisfaction, not fear and guilt.

Are you ready to take the first step?

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Tune in every week and discover how to cultivate a more positive, dependable relationship with food and with yourself through mindfulness and moderation.

Can’t make a live event? No worries!

I always share links to the recordings, so you can explore strategies and learn how to reconnect with your body and mind whenever, wherever.

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Mindful Monday

Every Monday @4:30 PM PST