Welcome to a world where diet culture No longer exists

My mission is to help you break free from the chains of restrictive eating and the guilt associated with food choices, guiding you towards a path where food becomes a source of joy, not anxiety.

If you’re here, you might be feeling trapped in an endless cycle of dieting, restriction, and food obsession. You're not alone. I know firsthand the struggles you're facing, not just as a coach, but as someone who has fallen victim to the detrimental effects diet culture has on our relationships with food and with ourselves.

Many people have been where you are, feeling lost in the sea of quick fix promises and drowning under harsh waves of rule based eating patterns, only lead to you to more frustration, agony, and a sense of failure. But, it doesn't have to be this way.

Today, if you did a quick review of your life, would you say that you find yourself:

  • Fearful of the future

  • Food obsessed 24/7

  • Running on autopilot with a loss of passion

  • Isolated from trying to “stay in check”?

I get it, I was exactly where you are right now! I was consumed by a life of restriction that left me mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted with no real solution. And, do you want to know why?

It’s because our bodies are NOT made to be in a deficit, long-term. The average person cannot sustain the dieting tactics we have become accustomed to, for year’s on end. This lifestyle is sending our cravings into overdrive, which is exactly why research shows 80-95% of dieters regain most, if not all their weight back in three!

All because we have learned to put food on this pedestal, labeling it as “right” and “wrong”, “good” and “bad”, or “should” and “shouldn’t” without being taught how to truly navigate our food relationships for ourselves. 

So, if you are tired of feeling betrayed by this means of survival, done living a life determined by numbers, and ready to eat to the point of satisfaction every day, then you are in the right place! I am your go-to diet shedding coach, helping women break up with diet culture and eat stress free, and I want to be part of your support system.

I guide women through a mental and physical transformation where they let go of food deprivation to create a food relationship rooted in mindfulness and moderation. A shift that gives them their life back, one where there energy is put to better use someplace else and eating is once again about connection, satisfaction, and nourishment, rather than counting calories or feeling guilt.

If you want to say goodbye to the incessant calorie tracking, “can’t” and “shouldn’t” statements, restricting and binging tendencies, and saying “no” to dinner with friends or work events, then let’s talk! 

Schedule a FREE 45 minute Success Session with me, Kiley Houck, and discover how you can make the shift from food being a stressful part of your life to an enjoyable part of your day. Because you deserve to feel calm, free, and excited about your food choices, and I can show you how!

Or check out my 1:1 coaching program where we’ll tackle your emotional responses to food and the all-or-nothing mindset holding you back. Complete the assessment questionnaire, today, and let’s start crafting a personalized roadmap that aligns with your unique needs, lifestyle, and aspirations.

But if you aren’t quite ready for that, it’s okay! Start off small and at your own pace by downloading my FREE Beginner’s Guide to Mindful Eating by subscribing to my newsletter.

In doing so, you’ll also get access to weekly to my weekly newsletter, designed for those looking to gently untangle themselves from dieting behaviors and food obsession. The perfect stepping stone for starting your food freedom journey, leading you towards an effortless and fulfilling relationship with eating.

And remember, you're not embarking on this path alone. I’m here to support you every step of the way! Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for daily tips, tricks, stories, and solutions helping you navigate food obsession.

Want to WORK WITH Kiley

1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your specific goals and lifestyle.

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Success Session

Enjoy a FREE 45 minute deep dive to create action steps around the barriers you feel are holding you back from positive growth.

Schedule Now


Begin your journey with access to my FREE beginner-friendly events and start celebrating small wins.

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Let’s Change your narrative


Check out my monthly journal prompts to kick-start your mindset shift by exercising your brain and reduce the self-sabotage behaviors holing you back from achieving your goals. It’s time to explore your relationship with YOU and discover the root cause of automatic habits no longer serving you.

Check out my blog where each story includes a journal prompt with a lead up to help you uncover a similar experience in your life. By participating in these free writing opportunities, you are saying “YES” to the awakening of your future!

Take a moment and open up your mind to the many facets of journaling because here, nothing is perfect and there are no wrong answers.

You’re not a failure, you just haven’t been set up for success yet. Lose the “I can’t do it” monologue & discover how capable you truly are.