Can you imagine a life where you aren’t always thinking about food?

I want to invite you to join my wait list for a chance to enroll in my Individual Coaching Program, designed specifically for women who want to take food off the pedestal and put it into their fridge.

Are you ready to eat stress free? Do you want to stop dieting, cut the guilt-trips, and enjoy food?

It’s time to discover a balanced approach to eating and living, where you’re in charge 365 days a year.

Save your spot to learn more about this personalized 12 week 1:1 coaching program focused on your relationship with food and yourself, by filling out the form below.

This isn’t another diet plan; it's a lifestyle change that makes every day a satisfying one!

Together, let’s find balance in your eating habits, so you can start to trust your body's signals again, and enjoy your life without the "cheat days" or the stressful dieting regimes.

Please note, by adding your name to this list, you're not committing to this program. By signing up for the wait list you will not be automatically accepted into the program either, as clients will be accepted via application ONLY. More information coming soon!

@ 2024 Kiley’s Health Haven |